杜衍 研究员
| 杜衍 研究员 |
博士生导师 | |
房间号:无机分析楼307室 | |
电话:0431-85262378 | |
E-mail:duyan@ciac.ac.cn |
教育和工作经历 2017年1月 – 至今,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,教授,博士生导师 2013年4月 – 2016年5月,美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,博士后 导师:Andrew D. Ellington教授 2012年3月 – 2013年3月,新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后 导师:Changming Li教授;Hongwei Duan教授 2006年9月 – 2012年1月,中国科学院应用化学研究所,理学博士学位,分析化学专业 导师:董绍俊院士(第三世界院士) 2002年9月 – 2006年7月,兰州大学,学士学位,化学专业 |
主要荣誉 2010. 中国科学院BHPB奖学金 |
研究资助 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、长春应化所和电分析化学国家重点实验室科研启动经费 |
研究方向 改良型生物(核酸适配体等)传感新方法、新原理研究 先进生物分子工程技术在新一代体外分子诊断中的应用 多功能纳米材料在生物分析(细胞靶向识别、成像以及传感)及药物释放中的应用 |
1. 将精确核酸序列识别技术—Toehold辅助的DNA一步链置换反应(one-step strand displacement,OSD)结合成熟的环介导等温放大技术(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP),可以从原理上消除假阳性诊断。与现有LAMP诊断技术相比,该技术的抗干扰能力强,信号输出可以更加多元,更易实现病原体的准确灵敏检测。通过蛋白质改性以及融合技术,设计出具有信号传导功能的蛋白质,并通过生物传感技术将传统的生物检测信号如荧光信号等转化为葡萄糖或者绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin,hCG)蛋白的信号,用已有的血糖检测仪或者验孕试纸达到检测病原体的目的。采用药店中购买的血糖检测仪检测到20个中东呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒RNA分子,并且实现了对人唾液和痰里面埃博拉病毒DNA的检测;攻克了核酸与hCG蛋白偶联的技术难题,将病毒、癌细胞的基因探针标记于hCG上,以hCG作为信号探针,从而直接利用验孕棒对待测物进行“是-与-否”或半定量POCT比色分析,并且可靠的检测到人类血清和唾液中至少20个埃博拉病毒DNA分子,并且可以用来区分来自野生型(wild-type)序列的常见皮肤癌黑素瘤相关单碱基错配(SNP)等位基因—BRAF V600E。验孕试纸检测病原体的工作被2017年《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》直接接受并被选为Hot Paper;血糖仪检测病原体的工作发表在2015年《Scientific Reports》杂志;并且该研究成果已申请一项美国发明专利。 2.构建稳定性良好,可循环利用的“比率计”电化学DNA传感器并证明其作为普适型传感平台的巨大潜力。为了增强电化学DNA传感器的稳定性,可靠性和重复利用性,我们首次将“比率计分析技术”应用到了电化学DNA传感器中。利用自制的“电化学碱基”成功合成了具有两种氧化还原探针的单链DNA,其中电化学探针亚甲基蓝作为信号改变的“示踪物”,二茂铁作为“内标物”。在构象转变的过程中,只有信号探针和电极表面的距离产生了变化,而控制探针和电极之间的距离则保持相对恒定。这一特殊而又巧妙的设计使得靶向物的识别更加可靠。通过对比传统的电化学DNA传感器,这种“比率计”电化学传感器得到的数据标准偏差要比前者少一个数量级。这一概念具有很强的普适性,也适用于“信号开”比率计电化学DNA传感器,此技术已经成为一种非常容易推广的方法来进行DNA或其他靶分子的识别和传感,这部分工作发表于2014年《Analytical Chemistry》杂志。被诸多发表在《Analytical Chemistry》,《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》,《Scientific Reports》等杂志上的文章引用。 |
主要代表性论文 SCI期刊文章数目35篇;累计影响因子238.48;累计SCI他用次数1319次;另发表国际专著1章,H指数23,申请专利一项。 (1) Du, Y., Pothukuchy, A., Gollihar, J. D., NouranI, A., Li, B. L. Ellington, A. D.* (2017): Coupling sensitive nucleic acid amplification with commercial pregnancy test strips. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56, 992-996. (2) Du, Y. and Dong, S. J.* (2016): Nucleic Acid Biosensors: Recent Advances and Perspectives. Analytical Chemistry, 89, 189-215. (3) Du, Y., Zhen, S. J., Li, B. L., Byrom, M., Jiang, Y. S. and Ellington, A. D.* (2017): Engineering signaling aptamers that rely on kinetic rather than equilibrium competition. Analytical Chemistry 88, 2250-2257. (4) Du, Y. and Guo S. J.* (2016): Chemically doped fluorescent carbon and graphene quantum dots for bioimaging, sensor, catalytic and photoelectronic applications. Nanoscale 8, 2532-2543. (5) Du, Y., Hughes, R. A, Bhadra, S., Jiang, Y. S., Ellington, A. D.* and Li, B. L.* (2015): A sweet spot for molecular diagnostics: Coupling isothermal amplification and strand exchange circuits to glucometers. Scientific Reports 5, 11039. (6) Du, Y., Lim, B. J., Li, B. L., Jiang, Y. S., Sessler, J. L.* and Ellington, A. D.* (2014): Reagentless, ratiometric electrochemical DNA sensors with improved robustness and reproducibility. Analytical Chemistry 86, 8010-8016. (7) Du, Y., Li, B. L. and Wang, E. K.* (2013): "Fitting" makes "sensing" simple: Label-free detection strategies based on nucleic acid aptamers. Accounts of Chemical Research 46, 203-213. (8) Wang, C. X., Du, Y., Wu Q., Xuan, S. G., Zhou, J. J., Song, J. B., Shao, F. W.* and Duan, H. W.* (2013): Stimuli-responsive plasmonic core–satellite assemblies: i-motif DNA linker enabled intracellular pH sensing. Chemical Communications 49, 5739-5741.(Co-first auther) (9) Liu, Y., Du, Y. and Li, C. M.* (2013): Direct electrochemistry based biosensors and biofuel cells enabled with nanostructured materials. Electroanalysis 25, 4, 815-831. (Co-first auther) (10) Du, Y., Guo, S. J., Qin, H. X., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2012): Target-induced conjunction of split aptamer as new chiral selector for oligopeptide on graphene-mesoporous silica-gold NP hybrids modified sensing platform. Chemical Communications 48, 799-801. (11) Du, Y., Guo S. J., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2011): An integrated sensing system for detection of DNA using new parallel-motif DNA triplex system and graphene-mesoporous silica-gold nanoparticle hybrids. Biomaterials 32, 8584-8592. (12) Guo S. J., Du, Y., Yang X., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2011): Solid-state label-free integrated aptasensor based on graphene-mesoporous silica-gold nanoparticle hybrids and silver microspheres. Analytical Chemistry 83, 8035-8040. (Co-first auther) (13) Du, Y., Chen, C. G., Zhou, M., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2011): Microfluidic electrochemical aptameric assay integrated on-chip: A potentially convenient sensing platform for the amplified and multiplex analysis of small molecules. Analytical Chemistry 83, 1523-1529. (14) Du, Y., Li, B. L., Guo, S. J., Zhou, Z. X., Zhou, M., Wang, E. K.* and Dong, S. J.* (2011): G-quadruplex-based DNAzyme for colorimetric detection of cocaine: Using magnetic nanoparticles as the separation and amplification element. Analyst 136, 493-497. (15) Du, Y., Chen, C. G., Yin, J. Y., Li, B. L., Zhou, M., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2010): Solid-state probe based electrochemical aptasensor for cocaine: A potentially convenient, sensitive, repeatable, and integrated sensing platform for drugs. Analytical Chemistry 82, 1556-1563. (16) Du, Y., Li, B. L. and Wang, E. K.* (2010): Analytical potential of gold nanoparticles in functional aptamer-based biosensors. Bioanalytical Reviews 1, 187-208. (17) Du, Y., Chen, C. G., Li, B. L., Zhou, M., Wang, E. K.* and Dong, S. J.* (2010): Layer-by-layer electrochemical biosensor with aptamer-appended active polyelectrolyte multilayer for sensitive protein determination. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25, 1902-1907. (18) Du, Y., Li, B. L., Wang, F. and Dong, S.J.* (2009): Au nanoparticles grafted sandwich platform used amplified small molecule electrochemical aptasensor. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 24, 1979-1983. (19) Li, B. L., Du, Y. and Dong, S. J.* (2009): DNA based gold nanoparticles colorimetric sensors for sensitive and selective detection of Ag(I) ions. Analytica Chimica Acta 644, 78-82. (Co-first auther) (20) Du, Y., Li, B. L., Wei, H., Wang, Y. L. and Wang, E. K.* (2008): Multifunctional label-free electrochemical biosensor based on an integrated aptamer. Analytical Chemistry 80, 5110-5117. (21) Hong, W., Du, Y., Wang, T. S., Liu, J. Y., Liu, Y. Q., Wang, J. and Wang, E. K.* (2012): A DNA-Based and Electrochemically Transduced Keypad Lock System with Reset Function. Chemistry - A European Journal 18, 14939-14942. (22) Zhou, Z. X., Du, Y., Zhang, L. B. and Dong, S. J.* (2012): A label-free, G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based fluorescent probe for signal-amplified DNA detection and turn-on assay of endonuclease. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 34, 100-105. (23) Chen, C. G., Du, Y., Li, J., Yang, X. and Wang, E. K.* (2012): Fabrication of a sensor chip containing Au and Ag electrodes and its application for sensitive Hg(II) determination using chronocoulometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 738, 45-50. (24) Zhou, Z. X., Du, Y. and Dong, S. J.* (2011): Double strand DNA-templated formation of copper nanoparticles as fluorescent probe for label-free aptamer sensor. Analytical Chemistry 83, 5122-5127. (25) Yang, X., Du, Y., Li, D., Lv, Z. Z. and Wang, E. K.* (2011): One-step synthesized silver micro-dendrites used as novel separation mediums and their applications in multi-DNA analysis. Chemical Communications 47, 10581-10583. (26) Zhou, Z. X., Du, Y. and Dong, S. J.* (2011): DNA-Ag nanoclusters as fluorescence probe for turn-on aptamer sensor of small molecules. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 28, 33-37. (27) Zhou, M., Du, Y., Chen, C. G., Li, B. L., Wen, D., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2010): Aptamer-controlled biofuel cells in logic systems and used as self-powered and intelligent logic aptasensors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 2172-2174. (28) Li, B. L., Du, Y., Li, T. and Dong, S. J.* (2009): Investigation of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine as colorimetric substrate for a peroxidatic DNAzyme. Analytica Chimica Acta 651, 234-240. (29) Li, B. L., Du, Y., Wei, H. and Dong, S. J.* (2007): Reusable, label-free electrochemical aptasensor for sensitive detection of small molecules. Chemical Communications 36, 3780-3782. (30) Lou, B. H., Zhou, M., Du, Y. and Dong, S. J.* (2015): Resistance-based logic aptamer sensor for CCRF-CEM and Ramos cells integrated on microfluidic chip. Electrochemistry Communications 59, 64-67. (31) Wang, L., Li, T., Du, Y., Chen, C. G., Li, L., Zhou, M. and Dong, S. J.* (2010): Au NPs-enhanced surface plasmon resonance for sensitive detection of mercury(II) ions. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25, 2622-2626. (32) Chen, C. G., Zhang, J. C., Du, Y., Yang, X. R. and Wang, E. K.* (2010): Microfabricated on-chip integrated Au-Ag-Au three-electrode system for in situ mercury ion determination. Analyst 135, 1010-1014. (33) Zhou, M., Chen, C. G., Du, Y., Li, B. L., Wen, D., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2010): An IMP-reset gate-based reusable and self-powered "smart" logic aptasensor on a microfluidic biofuel cell. Lab on a Chip 10, 2932-2936. (34) Zhou, Z. X, Zhu, J. B, Zhang, L. B., Du, Y., Dong, S. J.* and Wang, E. K.* (2013): G-quadruplex-Based Fluorescent Assay of S1 Nuclease Activity and K+. Analytical Chemistry 85, 2431-2435. (35) Zhu, Z. T., Tang, Y. D., Jiang, Y. S., Bhadra, S., Du, Y., Ellington, A. D. and Li, B. L.* (2016): A sweet spot for molecular diagnostics: Coupling isothermal amplification and strand exchange circuits to glucometers. Scientific Reports 6, 36605. (36) Yang, X., Sun, X. P., Lv, Z. L., Guo, W. W., Du, Y. and Wang, E. K.* (2010) Ultrasensitive nucleic acid detection using confocal laser scanning microscope with high crystalline silver dendrites. Chemical Communcations 46, 8818-8820. 文章章节 Du, Y., Li, B. L. and Wang, E. K. (2013): Analytical potential of gold nanoparticles in functional aptamer-based biosensors. in "Frontier of bioanalytical chemistry", F. Matysik and J. Wegener(Ed.), Springer, verlag berlin heidelberg, GER, p. 85-106. |